Regular Membership – any person, corporation or partnership operating a rental business and who employs staff for the prime purpose of promoting a rental orientated business as opposed to a sales rental organization, is eligible for consideration for membership. Regular members shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting of the association membership.
Upon receipt of membership dues, all regular members benefit from the Dual membership with CRA and ARA (American Rental Association)
Membership Fee:
$375 – Up to $500,000 – None
$535 – $500,001 to $3 million – 4 branches
$960 – $3,000,001 to $10 million – 8 branches
$1,600 – $10,000,001 to $30 million – 30 branches
$3,200 – Over $30 million – 60 branches
Associate Membership – any person, corporation or partnership operating a sales or service organization who is not engaged in the rental business, but who solicits business from regular members through the sale of such goods or services. Associate Members shall have the privilege of the floor at any general meeting of the association membership.
Membership Fee: $375.00 per year