Norwich, ON – The Canadian Rental Association (CRA) Ontario is pleased to announce the election of four members to the Board of Directors at their biannual election meeting on April 20, 2011. The meeting was held at Split-Fire Sales in Norwich with 43 members in attendance.
Newly elected to the Board of Directors were members Paul Potvin of Location Equipment Supply, elected as 2nd Vice President; and Dennis Heathcote of D & K Imports, elected as Associate Member Director. Potvin and Heathcote were joined by Penny O’Sullivan of ABCO Equipment & Supplies, and Neil DeJong of Industrial Tools and Equipment Rentals, who were re-elected to the alternate roles of Secretary and Treasurer respectively. These members will join James Morden of Rentshop, succeeding DeJong as Chairperson; Mike Maltby of Ingersoll Rent-All, succeeding Morden as President; Dale Brinklow of Minden Hills Rent-All, succeeding Maltby as 1st Vice President; Ken Mallot of Kensal Rental Service, Director-at-large; and Jeff Campbell of St Thomas Rent-All, Ontario Director liaison to the CRA National Board of Directors.
Outgoing directors are James Urquhart, formerly of Huron Tractor, Associate Member Director; Peter Webster of McLean-Sherwood Party Rental & Supplies, Director-at-large; and Shirley McCormick, Secretary.
Mike Maltby, incoming President, stated, “These members were elected to serve on the Board of Directors by their fellow members of the association. The volunteer members elected to our board dedicate hours of their personal time for both board and committee meetings, in order to serve the members of CRA Ontario. I look forward to engaging the 2011 – 2013 Board of Directors as we work toward the betterment of the Ontario rental market, establish new benefits of membership in the association, and better communicate the existing benefits to our members.”